Heard something upsetting, yesterday. Have you heard that they're (Don't know who "they" are exactly, but, they're) actually considering making it legal to hunt ivory again! Can't remember if I heard that about India or Africa,but I'm guessing the Africas, since I'm doing most of my research on that continent, lately. I was quite upset and will have to do some further research. Elephants are my favourite animal, followed by the lion. I wish people didn't find ivory so beautiful or intriguing. I wish there wasn't a market for tusks. It's bad enough right now as it is with poachers killing elephants. If only people cared what it so obviously does to a herd of elephants when one of them dies. They really do grieve. They're very sensitive creatures and so amazing. One of my dreams is to go on a photo-safari in Africa and go elephant watching. I just hope I'll get that opportunity before they all disappear.
I'm reading a short story by Mike Resnick right now and it's so hilarious. But, one of the parallels he makes in the story is from elephants to Jews. "We've always considered ourselves the Jews of the animal kingdom. We often wondered which of us would be extinct first," then, turning to a Jewish man, the elephant asks, "Do your people consider themselves the elephants of the human kingdom?" Well, now that they mention it.... Personally, I think both elephants and Jews should be highly revered and respected. Our world would lose alot of it's luster and beauty without either.
>>Well, now that they mention it.... Personally, I think both elephants and Jews should be highly revered and respected. Our world would lose alot of it's luster and beauty without either.<<
The vwey cynical point was that historically men have delighted in slaughtering elephants and Jews. And while the story was funny, I wouldn't bet on either of those practices stopping.
--- Mike Resnick
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